Stepping out in faith…

Taking a leap can be hard…really hard…like, really really hard.

Jumping over abyssThat feeling of the unknown, of not knowing what is going to happen can be absolutely terrifying. I remember vividly the first time I ever did a “trust-fall” exercise. We went all out..the person falling had to stand on the edge of a table and fall into the waiting arms of the group below.

I don’t know about you, but there was an instant just as I let myself fall back, I had that moment of thinking, “Are they actually going to catch me?” There was no certainty. There was no absolute confidence. There was only the choice……


God is asking you to jump. God is asking you to trust. God is asking you to take a leap and have the faith that He will catch you. I don’t know what He is asking you to do, but He is asking. He asks all who believe in Him to use the gifts He has given you to further His kingdom and to bring more of His children with you into a saving knowledge of Him and His Son. Will you jump?

This world can be a scary place, especially if you’re trying to live a lifestyle of faithfulness. Temptation lurks around every corner. The majority of people are not cheering you on to succeed, but all to often are waiting to laugh when you fail just to feel better about themselves.  But God’s not asking you to jump into a life of ease and comfort…that wouldn’t exactly require faith to do.  It’s only a leap of faith if there’s uncertainty about the ending.

Will you fail?    Possibly

Will it hurt?      Possibly

Will you have to pick yourself up and jump again?  Possibly

Will you endure trials and temptations?  Possibly

Is there a chance that things will end up differently than you hope?  Possibly

But my friend, leap anyway….and enjoy the ride.041

People who skydive say that there’s a brief moment before the wind starts buffeting and before your chute opens where you are in free fall and it’s a feeling of absolute freedom.

One of the biggest falsehoods in following Christ is the belief that “God won’t give me anything more than I can handle.”  This is an absolute lie. Let’s say it how it should ACTUALLY read…. “God won’t give you more than you can handle WITH HIS HELP.”

Matthew 28:20 says “I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

John 16:33 says, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

God asks you to take Him at his word, to step out in faith, to BELIEVE and then ACT on your belief.  We live in a spiritually dark world. We are surrounded, literally SURROUNDED by the walking dead who could, and will spend eternity in hell if we don’t take the chance, take the leap, and speak out. As scary as that sounds, we have a promise from the very mouth that spoke the universe into existence that He is beside us and His spirit dwells within us.


The trust is shown in the act of putting feet to your faith. Anyone can say they have faith and trust that God will always be there. But DOING something about it is an entirely different thing. That’s when true character and depth of faith is shown. That’s where our conviction to serve the God of the universe is revealed, or shown to be a false front.

My prayer for you today is you will be overwhelmed with opportunities to share God’s love and your own story with the people around you. Your friends, family, coworkers, heck, anyone you come into contact with. I pray that you will take the leap that Jesus spoke of when he challenged us to Go and make disciples.

I believe in you…..and so does your Father in heaven.  SO TAKE THE LEAP.

Believe, Go, and tell others.



~ by denniscraig on May 14, 2019.

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